Welcome to FlixChat!

This should be interesting...

I've been talking for years about starting a site for movie reviews, news and basically anything related to pop culture I want to talk about. Today, I decided to stop talking and just do it. Welcome to FlixChat. It could be the start of something amazing or - based on the movie blog wasteland I encountered while trying to pick a name for this thing - a fad that fizzles out in a few months.

That's where you come in, since I can't have a conversation with myself. The only way this experiment is going to succeed is with your input. I'll get things rolling, but I want this to be a community where movie lovers feel welcome and can't wait to discuss the latest Hollywood happenings. (Man, that sounds cheesy. Strike one already...)

Anyway, here's hoping. My first official post hits soon, and it'll be my picks for the Best Films of 2010. Nothing stirs up discussion faster than a year end list, so let's get ready to argue. Respectfully, of course.
