JASON EVANS' 100 WORD REVIEWS: News of the World

 Epic in scope but a bit thin on story

Film Critic Jason Evans is here to tell you everything you need to know about movies without wasting your time. His reviews are exactly 100 words (not 99, not 101). Here is his 100 word review of News of the World.

The Premise: This film marks a reunion for the superstar Captain Phillip tandem of director Paul Greengrass (three Bourne films, United 93, Green Zone) and the great Tom Hanks. Set in Texas in the 1870s, Hanks stars as Captain Jefferson Kyle Kidd, a grizzled Civil War veteran who now makes his living going from town to town to give theatrical readings of newspaper articles, bringing the News of the World to the masses (many of whom cannot read). One day, while travelling between towns, Kidd comes across a young girl, Johanna (12 year old German actress Helena Zengel), who was captured by Indians several years ago and raised as a member of the Kiowa tribe. Johanna barely speaks English and knows nothing of the world Kidd is from but her Kiowa family has been massacred by American troops. Kidd agrees to take Johanna back to her real family in southern Texas, despite the fact that the journey will take them through lawless parts of the old West.

The 100 Words: Greengrass knows how to use a camera and his shots of the Western plains are a wonder to behold. He always elicits strong performances from his actors and the onscreen connection between Hanks and the dazzling Zengel is what makes this film worth watching. Sadly, the picture could have used a bit more story to hold our attention especially in the dull middle third (and don’t get me started on a stupid sandstorm that comes out of nowhere). Still, if you power through the weak parts, you end up with an old west adventure that is decent, but nothing special.   

What do you think? Reach out to Jason Evans on twitter @JasonDukeEvans to let him know. 
