JASON EVANS' 100-WORD REVIEWS: Venom: Let There Be Carnage

 Loyal fans won’t be disappointed

Film Critic Jason Evans is on a mission to tell you everything you need to know about movies in less time than it takes to reboot your computer. His reviews are exactly 100 words (not 99, not 101). This is his 100 word review of Venom: Let There be Carnage.

The Premise – Things seem to be going pretty well for journalist Eddie Brock (Tom Hardy) and Venom, the alien living inside him… though Venom would really like to eat something more interesting than chickens. Eddie’s fame soars after his interview with Cletus Kassady (Woody Harrelson), a deranged serial killer on death row. But Cletus is harboring a secret, he too has an alien in him called Carnage. Soon, Cletus has escaped, putting Venom and Carnage on a collision course. Their conflict also drags in their two love interests, Anne (Michelle Williams) and the superpowered Shriek (Naomie Harris).

The 100 Words – This flick works best when really leaning into the Odd Couple comedy relationship between Venom and Eddie. Director Andy Serkis never lets up on the gas pedal in a film that clocks in at less than 90 minutes, which is good because a lot of this stuff is just ridiculous if you bother to think about it. The final CGI-laden battle is confusing and there seem to be story ideas that are introduced but never resolved. But, fans don’t come to Venom movies for cohesive narrative threads. This is silly in all the right ways and fans will enjoy it.

P.S. - And, as I am sure you have heard, do not miss the post-credit scene that sets up where these characters are headed next! 

Reach out to Jason Evans on Twitter @JasonDukeEvans
