An exhausting thrill ride

Film Critic Jason Evans is here to tell you everything you need to know about movies in less time than it takes to flick on your siren and run a red light. His reviews are exactly 100 words (not 99, not 101). This is his 100 word review of Michael Bay's Ambulance.

The Premise – War veteran Will Sharp (Yahya Abdul-Mateen II from Aquaman and Trial of the Chicago 7) desperately needs money so his wife can get an experimental medical treatment. With nowhere else to turn, he goes to visit his adopted brother Danny (Jake Gyllenhaal) who is a career criminal. Danny convinces Will to join him on a bank heist. When the bank job blows up in their face, Danny and Will try to make their escape in a hijacked ambulance with a smart EMT on board (Eliza Gonzalez from Baby Driver). Soon, the entire Los Angeles police department and the FBI are hot on their heels and all Will wants to do is make it home to his wife and son. The film is directed by Michael Bay (The Rock, Transformers franchise).

The 100 Words – This is essentially 3 different films: the heist, the chase, and the finale. The heist is dizzyingly directed with so much camera movement I almost got motion sickness; the chase is a fun adrenaline rush; but the finale is over-the-top, ludicrous, and nonsensical. I think the screenwriter had no idea how to end this mess. The cast is strong and have great chemistry, but Bay’s direction is so heavy-handed they (and us) never get a chance to breathe and enjoy the little moments. If all you want is action and car chases, fine, but this film delivers little else of value.

Reach out to Jason Evans on Twitter @JasonDukeEvans
