Momoa shines amidst a total mess

Film critic Jason Evans has made it his mission to tell you everything you need to know about movies in less time than it takes to mash the pedal to the metal and win a street race. His reviews are exactly 100 words long (99 would be too short, but 101 is just excessive). Here is his 100-word review of Fast X.

The Premise: Dominic Toretto (Vin Diesel) and his family of car thieves, spies, and hackers find themselves threatened by Dante Reyes (Jason Momoa), the son of drug lord Hernan Reyes (who was killed by Dom in Fast V). Dante doesn’t just want to kill Dom, he wants to make him suffer by dividing the family, isolating them from their allies, and then picking them off one-by-one. How can Dom defeat a sadistic enemy that seems to have unlimited resources and is always two steps ahead of our heroes?

The 100 Words: Crammed with cameos and characters, each on different missions, it is hard to keep track of what is happening and why. These films have always been full of insane physics-defying CGI-stunts, so I was disappointed when this one contained less vehicle action than other entries. The real hero of the film is the bad guy, Momoa, who pops off the screen with his quirky and funny villain. Sadly, the picture spends too much time with Diesel try to act like any of this makes sense. This flick is a chaotic chore that only die-hard Fast fans should even consider watching.  

Reach out to Jason Evans on Twitter @JasonDukeEvans
