Funny but a bit too frantic

Film critic Jason Evans has made it his mission to tell you everything you need to know about movies in less time than it takes for Flash to circle the Earth. His reviews are exactly 100 words long (99 would be too short, but 101 is just excessive). Here is his 100-word review of The Flash.

The Premise – Warning: This film is best when you don’t know what to expect. Do yourself a favor and make sure you avoid all spoilers!! Barry Allen/The Flash (Ezra Miller) may be a beloved superhero and member of the Justice League but his life is anything but perfect. He desperately misses his mother and knows that his father has been unfairly imprisoned for her murder… but he cannot prove it. When Barry accidentally discovers that he can go so fast that he can travel back in time, he decides to save his mother by making a small change to the 2013 night that she died. But his time travel has unintended consequences when he runs into the 2013 version of himself and the timeline starts to spin out of control. Soon Barry finds himself in a world with a completely different Batman (Michel Keaton) and no Superman. Can Barry restore the timeline and still save his family from their dark future? The film is directed by Andy Muschietti (Stephen King’s It Part I and II).

The 100-Words – More a comedy than a superhero flick, The Flash is easily among the best DC films of the past decade. There are a half a dozen laugh-out-loud moments in the action-packed opening and it keeps up the humor throughout. Sadly, the promising start begins to fall apart in the back half as the script seems unsure of how to handle its time-travel paradoxes. The CGI is also problematic, making the action scenes less “wow” than they should be. Still, it’s a fun time at the theater with several fan service moments (including some amazing cameos) sure to make audiences cheer. 

Reach out to Jason Evans on Twitter @JasonDukeEvans
